I love the holidays. They are an excuse to show my love to my children with fun and adorable things I find and make. My daughter has been off at college for a few years now and it has been my custom to make these care packages for her. She assures me they are well appreciated! I decided to give you ideas of what you can do to show affection from a distance to your loved one. This Valentine’s Day care package is for my 21 year old daughter who is at college with 3 roommates.

I usually start by thinking about and considering what items she needs. Since she is a poor college student, anything I buy for her that she can use will help her save money. After I have an idea of what I want, I head to the store.
I canvas the isles looking for anything pink, red or with hearts. It is actually kind of interesting sometimes to see what items fall in that category.

Every year and every person receiving the gift will have a little different needs but these are the things I chose this year:
Microwave kettle corn (We cheated on this one and added heart stickers just because we know she likes it so much.)
A new face mask (Why are those so easy to lose?)
A homemade sewn heart bag full of candy
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate (For her and to share)
Fish oil supplement (This may seem strange but there is a heart on it. And it is so good for the heart and brain. The omega 3’s are so good for you. Anyone who doesn’t eat fish 4 times a week or more should really be taking it.)
I try to include multiples of certain items so she can share them with her roommates. This year is pretty easy, she only has 3 roommates. Last year she had 7!
I try not to make the box look too special from the outside to discourage package theft. The inside is another matter. This year I took jute rope and glued it along the top so I could use mini clothes pins to add love notes from friends, family and even the cat.

It is so much harder to parent and show your love from far away. I hope my care packages, at least in a little way, help her to know of my love and support of her.
I hope sharing my daughters' care package has inspired ideas and helped you to find a way to share your love with those who are far from you.