This row marker design comes from the Mittleider Gardening Course book. It is designed to mark the rows in a garden. This helps me to evenly space the plants in my garden beds. (Something I have notoriously had trouble with.) It has one side that marks every 6 inches and the other that marks every 7 inches.

mark rows
Supplies to Make a Mittelider Row Marker
2″ x 2″ x 96″ board
2 1/2″ x 1/2″ dowel pieces (28)
1/2″ carpenter’s pencil sharpener
measuring tape
wood glue
drill with a 1/2″ drill bit
Mittleider Row Marker Directions

measure holes
Begin by marking an 8 foot 2×2 board every 6 inches on one side and every 7 inches on the other.

drill holes
Then mark a 1/2″ drill bit at the 3/4″ point and use it to drill in at all the 6 and 7-inch marks. There is one point where the holes line up and it my go all the way through. Just be careful not to drill into your work surface at that point.

hammer in dowels
I like to put a little wood glue in a container and dip my dowels into it. A hammer is usually needed to get the dowel all the way in the holes. Then you just wait for the glue to dry.

After the glue has dried, it is time to sharpen the wood dowels. This just makes it so they go in the soil better. I like to use a carpenter's pencil sharpener for this. Gloves are a good idea as the repetition could cause blisters. If you don’t want to use a sharpener, then a sander could also be used.
The seed flat marker is complete. To use it, just center it in the garden bed and pull it towards you. If your soil is wet it will hold the impression better. This has worked out well for me since most of my plants are an even number or 14 inches apart. It really has taken the guesswork out of my plant spacing.
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