Moving out of a rental house or your treasured home can be a bittersweet experience. As you prepare to bid farewell to your cozy abode, it’s essential to leave it in pristine condition. One common issue that arises during this process is the presence of scuff marks on the walls, ceiling, and baseboards. But worry not! In this blog post, we’ll explore two effective methods to tackle this cleaning challenge: utilizing a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and employing a vinegar solution with a wet towel.
The Power of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for Scuff Marks

Gather the necessary supplies
To begin, ensure you have a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, a bucket of clean water, and a dry cloth or towel at hand. The Magic Eraser is a versatile cleaning tool that effectively removes scuff marks without damaging surfaces.

Dampen the Magic Eraser
Thoroughly wet the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser under the faucet or by dipping it into the bucket of clean water. Squeeze out any excess water, leaving the eraser damp but not dripping wet.
Test an inconspicuous area
Before tackling the scuff marks head-on, it’s wise to test the Magic Eraser on an inconspicuous spot to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage to the surface paint. Choose a small area and gently rub the eraser in circular motions.
Erase those scuff marks
Once you’re confident the Magic Eraser won’t harm the surface, begin working on the scuff marks. Apply gentle pressure and use circular or back-and-forth motions to erase the marks. Start from the top and work your way down, focusing on one area at a time.
Rinse and dry
Periodically rinse the Magic Eraser in the bucket of clean water to remove dirt and residue. Wring out excess water and continue cleaning until all scuff marks are gone. Finally, use a dry cloth or towel to wipe away any moisture left behind.
For the Walls and Baseboards Use a Vinegar Solution and Wet Towel
Create the vinegar solution
In a small bucket or large bowl, mix 1 cup of white or apple cider vinegar into a gallon of water. Vinegar’s acidic properties make it an excellent natural cleaner.
Spray or dip the towel
If using a spray bottle, spritz the vinegar solution onto a clean towel until it’s damp. Alternatively, if you’re like me and not so delicate about the process just dunk a cloth or towel directly into the vinegar solution if using a bucket. Ring it out well.
Blot or rub gently
Gently blot or rub the scuff marks on the walls, ceiling, and baseboards with the vinegar-dampened towel. Start with light pressure and increase it if necessary, ensuring not to damage the surfaces.
This solution is my go-to for general surface dirt.
Repeat if needed
For stubborn dirt or scuff marks, repeat the process as necessary until the desired results are achieved. Patience and persistence are key.
As you bid adieu to your rental house, leaving it spotless is a gesture of respect and responsibility. Scuff marks on the walls, ceiling, and baseboards may seem daunting, but with the right techniques, they can be effectively removed. Whether you choose to employ the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser or the vinegar solution with a wet towel, both methods offer reliable ways to restore the surfaces to their former glory. So roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies.