This savory roasted sweet pepper spread is amazing and reminds me of the fresh Mediterranean recipes that I love so much. It looks like a tomato sauce but it doesn’t taste like one. I would eat this roasted sweet pepper spread on anything but it is especially good on chicken, fries, or pasta. It’s one of those recipes that you are proud to share with others. Any time you add a roasting step it takes a little more time to make the recipe but it is so worth it.
Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread
This recipe makes 5 Half-Pints of Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread.
9 large Sweet Peppers seeded and halved
1.5 pounds of halved Tomatoes
1 bulb of Garlic, with the top cut off
1 Onion, with the top cut off
2 tbsp dry Basil
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1/2 c Red Wine Vinegar
Olive Oil
Preparing Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread:
broil peppers
Roast the peppers in the oven skin side up on broil until skin begins to blacken.
Remove the peppers from the oven and place them in a paper bag on a tray with a tall lip to prevent the juice from spilling.
Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread – place peppers in a bag
roast tomato, onion and garlic
Roast tomatoes skin side up, onion, and garlic on an oven tray. Drizzle olive oil over the top of the onion and garlic then place the tray in the oven on broil until the tomato skin begins to blacken.
Remove the tomatoes, onion, and garlic from the oven and place the tomatoes in a paper bag on a tray with a tall lip to prevent the juice from spilling.
Peel the skin off the peppers. If I get a really tenacious piece I don’t worry about it too much. The blender will take care of it.
Then peel, and seed the tomatoes.
Place the tomatoes and peppers in the blender and blend them together.
Blend tomato and pepper
The garlic should be light brown at the edges. Allow it to cool enough to touch and then squeeze the bulbs and the softened cloves should slip right out of the cut tops. After all the cloves are removed they need to be finely minced. The onion should also be finely chopped with 1/3c of the finely chopped onions measured out for current use. I set the rest of the roasted onion aside and use it for dinner. Yum!
combine all ingredients
Combine all the ingredients in a pot and heat to a simmer. Continue to simmer until the vegetables are softened and it has your desired thickness.
Canning Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread:
Fill the half-pint jars leaving 1/4-inch of headspace.
Place the lid on top of the jar and add the ring. Tighten the ring to fingertip tight and process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes if at sea level. Remember to adjust your processing time if you are above 1000 feet in elevation.
processing complete
Once your jars have completed processing, space the jars about an inch apart on the counter for 24 hours to cool and completely seal.
If your jar did not seal, then place it in the refrigerator and use it immediately. Store the sealed jars in your pantry to enjoy for the next 1-3 years. After three years the nutritional value of canned food diminishes. The quality is best in the first year.
Roasted Sweet Pepper Spread
If you have any questions about canning with a pressure canner or how to adjust the pressure or processing time for altitude, take a look at our canning basics videos.